Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Knock Knock


“Who’s there?”


[No response.]

You know, I only knock once.

“This is a joke, right?”

Not this time.

“Okay. Let’s assume this is the real thing. Why should I let you in?”

If you don’t let me in right now, I won’t be knocking on your door for a long, long time.

“Okay… What do you want me to do?”

C’mon! There’s a set format here. It’s your turn to ask me THE question. Hint: WHO!

“Why don’t you just go away?”

Listen, I’m trying to help the folks out here - just as you should be - but you’re tickin’ me off… bad.

“Tick… tick… tick… You’re a time bomb, right?” [The sound of giggling.]

I told you this is no joking matter, but in a sense you’re quite right. And I don’t think your attitude deserves my patience.

“So you’re the doctor and we’re your patients?” [More giggling… there’s a group of people behind the door of opportunity.]

I know you’re not alone. Are you all daft? This is supposed to be your big chance to make a difference… you know, that legacy thing?

“We don’t need no stinkin’ legacy!” [A smirk and a wink to others of the inner circle.]

Do you want me to walk away?

“Don’t let the door hit you in the a--! [Downright laughter behind the closed door.]

Time waits for no one. You know I only come around once in a generation?

“So now you’re a generator?” [A few snorts. It seems there are fewer listeners.]

Actually, yes, I’m trying to generate some interest just as you should be.

“We don’t need you. We’re the Lucky Eleven.”

It’s more like Ocean’s Eleven and you’re all washed up.

“Not us. Charlie appointed us. We’re still elitists and that’s the way it is. There’s more of us here. Of course, they’re not as important because seven were appointed by Ken Pruitt, another seven by Marco Rubio. There are four more but they’re just here for the ride.”

Is John McCay there? Maybe he’ll let me in.

“He’s here somewhere but he’s too busy doing something. He’s kinda the oddball of the group. He takes his job much too seriously… a goody-two-shoes.”

Will you at least let him know I’m here? Maybe he’ll give me passage.


[The door remains locked… an opportunity lost.]

At the website [www.floridatbrc.org] there’s a link to the document that was released on Feb. 16, 2007, with the Great Seal of the State of Florida announcing the formation of the Taxation and Budget Reform Committee. It claims that the committee “must submit any proposed constitutional amendments by May 4, 2008. The website also displays the headline “Commission’s Work Complete”. It proclaims that on 4-28-08 that their work was done. The Commission gave up before the deadline. In another 20 years, another Commission will be given another opportunity to reform taxation codes to address the needs of the budget. Indeed, 20 years is a generation away. That’s a very long time. Again, opportunity will only knock once. We can only hope the door will be open.